Bhima Jewellery

DHC international Gem testing lab and Diamond Institute provides Gemmology courses, Diamond Grading, Diamond testing, Diamond Grading and Gemstones. Consultation for Diamonds and Gemstones with us confirms international standards with our Gem Testing Lab and Diamond Testing Lab. Under DHC, we provide Diamond grading and Gemmology Courses with high quality and standards in Kerala. DHC‘s Gem Testing Certificates are of international standard and are valid all over the world.

Providing professional diamond identification and grading services backed with the latest technology SGL is at the front end of the laboratory-grown diamond detection scenario. SGL’s specialized services and laboratory-grown detection instruments help in the easy identification of natural diamonds. SGL ECOASSURE is an initiative to help to reduce the carbon footprint of the jewellery manufacturing process and show the environment that we care. Our network of 16 laboratories worldwide brings us closer to the key centres including London, New York, Dubai, Mumbai and Riyadh. 

Around the world, IGI grading reports bring confidence to buyers and sellers alike.

The value of a precious stone is determined by its gemological makeup, natural rarity and finished quality. Gemstones of similar appearance can have notably different values. In the modern world, even experts require specialized tools to detect treatments, enhancements and synthetics. Importance of IGI Certification – IGI screens every gemstone using state of the art technologies to determine naturally mined, laboratory-grown or simulant origin. Experienced graduate gemologists conduct a further assessment in controlled conditions, detailing relevant gemological characteristics according to the strictest international system. Precious stones should only change hands when all parties are confident in the details. Regardless of location or marketplace, an IGI report is the common language of trust in the gemological world and an essential part of any transaction.


It's Still Not Too Late!

Last updated: 25/03/2025

24kt Gold Rate - 9110/GM

22kt Gold Rate - 8185/GM

18kt Gold Rate - 6765/GM

Silver Rate    - 108/GM

It's still not
too late!

Last updated : 10/06/2024

24kt Gold Rate  – 7420/GM
22kt Gold Rate  – 6570/GM
18kt Gold Rate  -5470/GM
Silver Rate        – 96/GM

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